Muscle Memoirs: LGMD Experiences – a Column bt Patrick Moeschen

How I measure my quality of life as someone with LGMD

Since I began writing for Bionews, the parent company of Muscular Dystrophy News Today, I’ve connected with many people living with chronic illness outside of my “comfort community” — those with forms of muscular dystrophy (MD). While I live with limb-girdle MD, I have many friends…

Coping with grief and the day-to-day life of LGMD

People living with a chronic illness, including me, commonly explore how we deal with grief, which is the subject of much theory and research. I’ve thought deeply about how living with limb-girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD) can be seen through the familiar Kübler-Ross model of the grief cycle, with its…

Educating all ages about living with muscular dystrophy

In my four decades of life with limb-girdle muscular dystrophy, I’ve become comfortable educating everyone I meet about my quality of life and the ways all of us living with chronic, rare conditions have been given a wonderful chance to influence societal views of the disabled community. I’ve…