
Educating all ages about living with muscular dystrophy

In my four decades of life with limb-girdle muscular dystrophy, I’ve become comfortable educating everyone I meet about my quality of life and the ways all of us living with chronic, rare conditions have been given a wonderful chance to influence societal views of the disabled community. I’ve…

Examples of ableism I’ve encountered in life with FSHD

I’ve been disabled for over 50 years, and I spent over 30 years working with people with disabilities. The language surrounding disability has evolved in that time. For the most part, that’s a good thing. As an example, person-first language has become more common. It’s more appropriate to introduce someone…

How my late brother and I left a mark on our DMD community

While observing World Duchenne Awareness Day over the weekend, I reflected on the journey my family and I have taken, which has been shaped by Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). This year the Muscular Dystrophy Association (Singapore), or MDAS, celebrated the day during its annual Go the…