Muscular Dystrophy News Forums Forums Support Groups Adults​ ​With​ ​Muscular Dystrophy Pain from Stretching or Moving too Quickly

  • Pain from Stretching or Moving too Quickly

    Posted by Leah Leilani on October 8, 2021 at 7:00 pm

    Do you have pain if you stretch too fast or move too quickly and it feels like you pulled something? Does the pain subside after only a few minutes?

    I asked my doctor about this pain and even though it doesn’t last long, I immediately feel like I’ve torn my muscle. According to him, because of atrophy and inactivity, it is more easy for me to make little tears in my muscle. I never realized this but it makes perfect sense. This is why Physical Therapy and daily stretching is so important for people with neuromuscular diseases.

    Leah Leilani replied 3 years, 2 months ago 0 Member · 0 Replies
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