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  • “Crip Camp” Discussion with Ralph Yaniz

    Posted by Kevin Schaefer on April 24, 2020 at 7:00 am

    Hey everyone! Happy Friday!

    I wanted to share this podcast episode with you all. Over on our sister site SMA News Today (which I help manage), our very own Ralph Yaniz guest-starred on our podcast. Check out Ralph’s column here if you haven’t already.

    In this podcast, we spent the second half talking about the new Netflix documentary Crip Camp. I posted about this film a couple weeks ago, and I encourage you all to check it out. Ralph brought a great perspective to this discussion as an advocate for disability rights, and I enjoyed having him on the show. Hope you all enjoy!

    Do you have any additional thoughts regarding Crip Camp? Do you have recommendations for other films about disability?

    Kevin Schaefer replied 4 years, 4 months ago 0 Member · 0 Replies
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