It’s Year 15 for Jared Sweet Golf Outing DMD Fundraiser

The 15th Annual Jared Sweet Golf Outing, a Michigan event that benefits Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy (PPMD) and raises needed funds for research, is set for Saturday, June 19.
To date, the outing has raised more than $160,000 for the PPMD.
Since the event’s inception, the Sweet family, from Belding, Michigan, has supported the PPMD, a nonprofit organization that advocates for those affected by Duchenne, known as DMD, the most common type of muscular dystrophy. The condition, which leads to progressive deterioration of muscle fibers, occurs in nearly one of every 5,000 live male births.
The event, to be held at the Arrowhead Golf Course, in Lowell, is named for 19-year-old Jared Sweet, who has Duchenne. Over the years, it has become a full day of fundraising activities, including a luncheon, raffle, and silent auction.
“When Jared was diagnosed with Duchenne at the age of five, we felt helpless, but fundraising gave us a feeling of action,” Sue Sweet, Jared’s mother, said in a press release.
“We aren’t scientists or doctors, but we can organize events. My husband enjoys golf outings so we started with what we know,” she said.
In the decade and a half since the outing’s inception, some 600 individuals, including volunteers, have taken part in fundraising for Duchenne research.
“Every June for the last 15 years, we have held the Jared Sweet Golf Outing in honor of our son and in support of PPMD,” Sue Sweet said. “We’re so grateful to our amazing community, friends, sponsors, and volunteers who join us each year, allowing us to raise money to support critical Duchenne research not only for Jared, but all people fighting this devastating disease.”
The family donates 100% of the proceeds to the PPMD.
“For 15 years, the Sweet family and their amazing friends and family have inspired and motivated the Duchenne community by selflessly raising money and awareness for the fight to end Duchenne,” said Pat Furlong, the PPMD’s founding president and CEO. “We cannot thank them enough for their ongoing support and we feel blessed to have them in the PPMD family.”
While the golf portion of the event — an 18-hole, four-person scramble with cart — has been sold out, luncheon tickets are still available. Admittance is $10 for adults, $5 for children, and $25 for families. Those who join the luncheon also may participate in the silent auction and 50-50 raffle.
To make a donation, please click here.