Larry Luxner,  —

Articles by Larry Luxner

MDA Hellas Gives Greek SMA, Duchenne Patients Reason to Hope

Either by coincidence or by design, MDA Hellas, the Muscular Dystrophy Association of Greece, is located on Elpidos Street in downtown Athens. Elpidos is Greek for “hope” — and that’s exactly what MDA Hellas offers the many neuromuscular disease patients under its care. Antigone Karras is executive manager of…

In Greece, One Family’s Struggle with Duchenne

In the mythology of ancient Greece, Hermes was the god of boundaries and transitions, with the ability to move between the mortal and divine worlds. In modern-day Athens, Hermes Christos Athanasiou Gill is a cheerful, trilingual 7-year-old who likes math and enjoys playing Minecraft, a video game. He also has…