Duchenne: Shalom's Lifelong Partner-in-Crime - a Column by Shalom Lim Ern Rong

Shalom is a University of Liverpool graduate, having completed an honors bachelor’s degree in criminology and security in July 2021. Born with Duchenne muscular dystrophy and diagnosed at four months old, they are 26 years old and currently based in the Eastern part of Singapore. Their hope for their column is to advocate for the health and well-being of the muscular dystrophy community in Southeast Asia.

A new beginning of shared purpose at Shalom Medcare

Since September, my life has moved in an exciting new direction, starting with becoming a marketing communications assistant at Shalom Medcare (SMC), a medical transport company here in Singapore. In case you’re wondering, yes, I realize it’s amusing that the company and I share the name “Shalom” — something…

How my late brother and I left a mark on our DMD community

While observing World Duchenne Awareness Day over the weekend, I reflected on the journey my family and I have taken, which has been shaped by Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). This year the Muscular Dystrophy Association (Singapore), or MDAS, celebrated the day during its annual Go the…

I’m at a crossroads in life, once again

Starting last week, I’ve been trying to get my life back on track after enduring a few difficult months. As I recently shared, life has been challenging since I left my job in April. Then, in May, I faced an unexpected hospitalization, and June brought relationship tension. In July,…

My body clock ticks louder because of my Duchenne MD

Nearly two years ago, I authored a column for this website about my reflections on the semi-autobiographical rock musical “tick, tick … BOOM!” from American composer, lyricist, and playwright Jonathan Larson (best known for “Rent”). I’d just watched the 2021 film adaptation, directed by Larson’s…

A rough month makes me grateful for what I’ve got

Last month was tough for me. Although celebrating my partner’s birthday on June 12 was a welcome distraction, I still had a June I’d like to forget, mainly because I spent the entire month recovering from a foot infection that hospitalized me for the last three days of May. And…

What I take away from watching the filmed version of ‘Hamilton’

Last week, my girlfriend and I caught the 2020 filmed version of Lin-Manuel Miranda’s award-winning Broadway production “Hamilton.” The recording, which we watched on Disney+, featured the original cast performing at the Richard Rodgers Theatre in New York City. Exactly a month ago, we attended a live performance of the…

Adaptive living with DMD