
Raxone (Idebenone) Shows Promise as DMD Therapy in SYROS Trial

Long-term treatment with Raxone (idebenone) slows down loss of respiratory function in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) patients for up to six years, according to recent results from Santhera Pharmaceuticals’ SYROS trial. The company is recruiting participants for the SIDEROS-E Phase 3 study (NCT03603288). It aims to assess the long-term safety…

Vienna to Host RARE2019 Meeting on Rare Diseases

About 100 scientists, researchers, pharmaceutical executives, and others will converge on Austria’s capital city early next month for the 2nd International Congress on Advanced Treatments in Rare Diseases. The March 4-5 meeting, to take place at the Hilton Am Stadtpark Vienna, features 27 speakers on a variety of disorders…

Edasalonexent Leads to Normal Growth, Other Benefits in Boys with DMD, Phase 1/2 Trial Shows

Treatment with investigational edasalonexent enabled normal growth, preserved muscle function, and slowed disease progression in boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), according to results of a Phase 1/2 trial and its ongoing extension study. Additionally, a Phase 3 trial called PolarisDMD (NCT03703882) also investigating edasalonexent in boys with DMD…