
2 Nonprofits Join Forces to Help Duchenne Patients Fight Insurance Denials

Two small patient advocacy groups, Little Hercules Foundation and Team Joseph, are stepping up their joint Duchenne Family Assistance Program (DFAP). The expanded program, created last October, comes in response to the increasing rate of insurance company denials of life-extending treatments and medical devices for Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients.

Arizona Woman with Duchenne is a Rarity Among the Rare

Duchenne muscular dystrophy affects an estimated 1 in 3,500 male births. But Elizabeth Heller is an outlier even among her rare friends. The Chicago-born Heller, who relocated to Tempe, Arizona, three years ago, is one of only a handful of women with Duchenne in the United States. According to the…

New Online Resource, DuchenneXchange, and Its Offerings Explained in Aug. 7 Webinar

The nonprofit group CureDuchenne and Connecticut-based rareLife Solutions have launched DuchenneXchange — a dedicated online platform where those interested in Duchenne muscular dystrophy “can share comprehensive, safe, credible resources and information, as well as get the support they need from diagnosis to treatment to clinical trials.” The project, announced in a …

MDA Hellas Gives Greek SMA, Duchenne Patients Reason to Hope

Either by coincidence or by design, MDA Hellas, the Muscular Dystrophy Association of Greece, is located on Elpidos Street in downtown Athens. Elpidos is Greek for “hope” — and that’s exactly what MDA Hellas offers the many neuromuscular disease patients under its care. Antigone Karras is executive manager of…