Accessible seating at events
What have been your experiences when it comes to accessible seating at events? Do you know your rights under the ADA when it comes to event and tickets? What tips can you offer when it comes to seating or accessibility at events such as concerts or sports games? Was everything accessible including the parking lots, bathrooms (porter potties), and seating?
About 6 years ago I went to my first NFL game. I bought the tickets online and then emailed the Baltimore Ravens stadium to inquire about accessible seating. They said I needed a doctors note for sporting events and even then it is a first come, first served basis to all guests needing accessible seating. So, I got the doctors note from my family practitioner, showed up the day of, was taken to the accessible seating, which was a row of pull out chairs, which works for people with wheelchairs or walkers that need the seats moved. In my opinion, and from experience, it is best to call the arena ahead of time and find out the exact details. I have also learned that is best to get things in writing (email) and bring it with you day of, also take the name of the person you spoke with just in case things don’t work out or you were given incorrect information. I have had more difficulty with music concerts and accessible seating. Surprisingly I had an awful experience at a Willy Nelson concert and started to cry before someone came and helped me get somewhere I could see and not feel trapped in case of an emergency. Always call ahead, even if they specifically indicate accessible section or seating.
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