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  • Caregivers need time for themselves too

    Posted by Leah Leilani on July 22, 2019 at 7:00 pm

    Whether your a relative or significant other of someone with MD, you are a constant caregiver for them. They need you 24/7 to do the things they are unable to do themselves. Therefore, it is vital that you also take care of yourself. Sometimes you need to step away and get some fresh air, treat yourself, hangout with a friend or just simply relax.

    Remember that the people you are caring for care about you and your well being. There is no shame in needing a little while for yourself.

    What are some ways that you practice self care? Do you ever worry about your significant other or child with MD while your taking time for yourself?

    replied 5 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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