Checklist for People with MD in Emergencies
Have you discussed ideas with your family, friends or a personal care attendant, about how to prepare for an emergency ? Do you have a plan posted where everyone will see it? have you practiced with your family or the person you will be with so that you are ready in case the unthinkable happens to you? Here is the MDA checklist for people with nueromuscular diseases in case of a emergency.
- 211: For local information about help with food, housing, health care and more, dial 211 or visit their website. (Note: The 211 service is not available in all areas.)
- DisasterAssistance.gov: To obtain the most accurate list of disaster assistance programs for which you may be eligible, complete this anonymous questionnaire.
- Emergency Preparedness (information from Disability.gov) Emergency Readiness for People with Disabilities
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