Muscular Dystrophy News Forums Forums Advocacy Work FA Columnist, Matt Lafleur’s Perspective on Disability Pride

  • FA Columnist, Matt Lafleur’s Perspective on Disability Pride

    Posted by Leah Leilani on July 20, 2021 at 4:30 pm

    Today on MD News’ Instagram account, we are passing over the mic to Matt Lafleur, Bionews’ Culture Coordinator and Friedrich’s Ataxia Columnist, to explain what Disability Pride Month means to him.

    “July is Disability Pride Month. This is almost a contradiction to me. How can anyone take pride in a medical condition that makes life harder? After all, if I fight with all I have to end disability, do I want to take pride in it?

    The truth is, I’m not proud of the inconvenience disability has brought me- but the side effects of empathy and resilience are profound. The lessons of disability are what I’m proud of- not the disability itself. I won’t stop working to rid myself of disability, but I am a better person for what I’ve learned from it. I take pride in that.”

    Stay up to date with Matt and his life with FA by reading his column “Little Victories.”

    Do you take pride in your disability or rather the person you are and what you’ve learned with your disability?

    Leah Leilani replied 3 years, 6 months ago 0 Member · 0 Replies
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