Wheelchair Headlights
I got approved for my new power chair, which means insurance will cover most of it. I asked for headlights and insurance won’t cover them, they cost about $1,000. We already have to pay out of pocket for the wheelchair elevation part or else I would need to be lifted every time I wanted to stand up out of my chair, and that is well over $2,000. I go out regularly, especially in the evenings and while crossing the road have almost been hit by cars turning while I am trying to cross.
What would you do? How important do you think headlights on a wheelchair are at night? Right now I have a little flashlight that I keep in the back of my wheelchair pocket but it is hard to hold and drive my chair. If you have headlights on your chair what are the pros and cons? Have you been able to modify your chair yourself or did insurance say you could not make modifications?
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