Forum Replies Created

  • Stephen Myall

    November 1, 2019 at 4:49 am in reply to: The downside to rear ramped vans and handicap parking spaces

    In my home village here in Ireland, I parked in a disabled zone and hadn’t noticed my disabled parking permit was displayed upside down (therefore incorrectly).

    Because the warden had started writing the penalty ticket and  I even  after I showed her the details were valid,  I was still given and 80 euro fine.  I appealed but was unsuccessful.  There are other markings on my car and adaptations that show very visibly that the car owner is disabled.

    I find there is more leniency in the USA, I used to travel back and forward there with work and they accepted my Irish Parking permit with no issues.

    We have disabled parking bays in our village main street surrounded by high kerbs.  For some of them you need to take your life in your hands and travel on the main road (with cars, buses and truck) to get a low enough ramp to get onto the footpath (sidewalk).  I think this problem is world wide




  • Stephen Myall

    October 27, 2019 at 9:47 am in reply to: How much hope is healthy

    Hi Leah,

    Hope is wanting something to happen or to be true or to desire something with anticipation.

    It is okay to hope providing you are comfortable and content living for the present.  Hope is for the future and you dont always have the control to influence what happens.  In the majority of cases it is how you react to what happens in the present that will determine what you hope for in the future.  On a rare occasion fate can lend a hand.

    Yes, I hope there will be a cure for FSH MD in my lifetime, but I live my life not depending on it.  With this mindset, I will never be disappointed.  Good Question