Social Clips

Boy With Duchenne MD Made Honorary Police Officer

In this uplifting story from New Jersey News 12, a two-year-old boy with Duchenne muscular dystrophy has been made an honorary police officer at his local precinct. Seven ways Becker and Duchenne muscular dystrophy affect patients.  The Spotwood police department in New Jersey invited Trent Powers and his family to…

Young Muscular Dystrophy Patient Inspires College Basketball Team

Seven-year-old Ashlyn Barrett joined up with the Maryland college basketball team a couple of years ago as part of Project Impact, a program that pairs sports programs and children with serious illnesses. Ashlyn has muscular dystrophy. MORE: Burger King joined UP Arctic Blast to raise funds for muscular dystrophy.

Woman Invents Magnetic Shirt to Help People With Disabilities

Following her husband’s frustration at not being able to do up the buttons on his formal work shirts, Maura Horton came up with a simple and practical solution: magnetic buttons. Study finds that the protein responsible for Duchenne MD influences brain wiring. Find out more here.  According to a report…

How to Support Someone Diagnosed With a Terminal Illness

It’s devastating when a friend or family member is diagnosed with a terminal illness. You want to reach out to help, but you’re often unsure how to handle the situation and what to say—fearful of saying the wrong thing. We’ve compiled a list of ways to help support your loved through…

Reality TV Star’s Daughter Tested for Muscular Dystrophy

One of the stars of the MTV reality show Teen Moms 2, Leah Messer, is opening up about her seven-year-old twin daughters Ali and Gracie and the impact muscular dystrophy has had on their lives. Ali was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy when she was four years old, and Leah’s decided that Ali’s twin…

6 Common Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue

If you suffer from a chronic illness, then it’s highly likely that you’ll experience fatigue from time to time. Fatigue is different than just feeling tired, and generally it’s not something that can be fixed with an early night or by resting for a little while. With tips from the pros at …

Best Practices Involves Multi-Center Cooperation for MD Care

  In this video from Muscular Dystrophy UK, patients, caregivers and medical professionals talk about some of the best practices that should be adopted when it comes to the treatment and management of muscle-wasting diseases such as muscular dystrophy and spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). They explain how many…

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Treatments: Deflazacort

Deflazacort (Emflaza) is a drug used in the treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). It’s generally given to patients five years and older and is a type of corticosteroid precursor which acts as an immunosuppressant and anti-inflammatory medication. Read our five tips for emotionally coping with Duchenne muscular dystrophy.  Conducted in…