Muscular Dystrophy News Forums Forums Tips, Tricks, and Advice Tip: Kitchen and Pullout Shelves

  • Ralph Yaniz

    April 23, 2019 at 8:39 am

    We have made some adaptations. Simple things much like you mention. Since I stand and walk with a cane, although in the house I do not use a cane, I actually have moved many pots and pans to upper shelves. My ability to bend over while keeping knees locked and then using biceps is not good. Now I can stand straight and use shoulders. All good!

  • Ralph Yaniz

    April 23, 2019 at 3:44 pm

    Dani, I cannot claim to being a great chef haha, but I can make the basics and like making omelettes or just heating soups etc.  Just like to be able to get my pots and pans 🙂

    • Danielle "Dani" Liptak

      April 23, 2019 at 3:48 pm

      Same, but I am trying to learn. I LOVE a good omelette, I just had one today!

      Sometimes when I stand for 20 minutes waiting for something to cook, like an omelette the side of my thigh will go numb, so I need to get a stool or something to rest on. Just another thing to take up space in my small kitchen! I am always looking for things that are compact, or fold, but a lot of kitchen appliances can be heavy or bulky. I have an air fryer and crock pot, they word great, just take up a lot of room.

  • Ralph Yaniz

    April 23, 2019 at 4:05 pm

    One of the things that actually works for me is that I have my desk and work area adjacent to kitchen. In fact it’s in the space you might have a small dinette or breakfast table and I have a desk chair with wheels. Since I keep it raised high so it’s easy to get out of I can also roll around the kitchen and even cook. I usually can stand but I’ll roll around to fill coffee etc. Maybe you can get that type of rolling chair to cook?

  • Leah Leilani

    April 23, 2019 at 4:20 pm

    My mom loves to cook but since she now has Mito she has had to adjust her amount of time in the kitchen. I wrote an article all about it.

    There is a snippet in this article from Quest magazine about a woman who lives on her own. On occasion she relies on her neighbor to help her with small tasks and afterwards bakes him a pie to says thank you.



    • Danielle "Dani" Liptak

      April 23, 2019 at 5:13 pm

      I LOVE that she bakes him a pie as a thank you! I have definitely made stuff for people as a “thank you” when they help! I think it is more personal and shows you really appreciate it. I am not saying every time someone helps you, but I think one knows the situations are deserving of pie!

  • Ralph Yaniz

    April 23, 2019 at 4:24 pm

    Thats great. Love to hear those stories 🙂

  • Joy

    April 23, 2019 at 6:23 pm

    I love to cook and bake.  I keep my mixer out on the counter.  I can’t get arms up to to glasses and dishes away so I leave one out for me to use.  I keep think down where I can reach.  I try to think ahead what I need.  Of course my daughter and son in law live two blocks away and he never minds running in to reach something.  He is a fire fighter and works odd hours .  I also make a list as I think of it and close pin it to a latch on the front door so any of my kids coming or going can see my list of what I need reached.  Sunday I had them get my fans out of the attic and put air in my tires if my car.  I think it the kitchen it just takes a little planning.

  • Ralph Yaniz

    April 23, 2019 at 8:56 pm

    Joy, this is great. And you are right about planning. I often say that and my May 2 column will talk a little about that. It’s so great you are doing some fantastic things in the kitchen!

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