• Posted by Danielle "Dani" Liptak on June 9, 2021 at 6:50 am

    I was active this past weekend, and I woke up on Monday with many sore muscles. From my fingers to my hips, it seemed like I was sore everywhere. I was proactive in reducing my pain by icing, drinking water, taking Tylenol, and resting. I wonder if there is something else I can do to recover quickly or ease my pain more.

    How long does it take for your muscles to stop hurting after doing certain activities? What do you do to recover your muscles from pain and strain? Are they all-natural, or do you prefer scientifically proven methods?

    Danielle "Dani" Liptak replied 2 years, 6 months ago 4 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Jerry Quintana

    June 14, 2021 at 5:18 pm

    Dani, what has helped me tremendously is, one word. Stretching. There isn’t a day that passes by that i don’t stretch. While laying in bed, I stretch every conceivable muscle. Most concentrated is the hips & leg muscles.

    Sit at the edge of the bed and twist your upper torso while keeping your legs in resistance mode. Then do small circles and also windmills with your arms.

    Next, while laying, lean forward and stretch your toes forward / backwards while stretching your back. Next, stretch your legs. All in all, this is gradual until it becomes easier. Get creative. Also do some mini ab crunches. That’s my take.

    • Danielle "Dani" Liptak

      August 31, 2022 at 11:53 am

      That is a great suggestion! Sometimes I forget that stretching, as simple as it seems, can significantly impact one’s day-to-day. Thank you for the reminder, Jerry.

  • Gail Sullivan

    July 30, 2022 at 1:47 pm

    My MD has progressed so far that I am bedridden right now. I haven’t been able to walk in at least 10 years. I also cannot set up at the side of the bed nor can I turn on my own so exercises are out for me. One thing my neurologist has had me on is creatinine which does help with the cramping. I purchase it online and take it bid. It doesn’t get rid of all of my pain but it definitely helps so perhaps you could try this and it’ll work for you as well. Good luck with this. Gail


    • Danielle "Dani" Liptak

      August 31, 2022 at 2:20 pm

      Hi Gail,

      Do you have a physical and occupational therapist come to your home and work with you? They have helped me tremendously in moving around more and thinking of better ways to move my body that do not require much energy. Do you have access to a local pool? As well as a caregiver?

  • Vikki Stefans MD

    September 2, 2022 at 4:04 pm

    for DOMS, later in the course try hot tub or hot bath or shower, and also NSAIDs are usually good if you can tolerate them without GI distress or renal issues. Keep moving but take it easy for a bit.

    • Danielle "Dani" Liptak

      September 6, 2022 at 10:56 am

      Hot tubs/ hot showers are a great idea! I could also get a bucket for my feet and soak them in Epsom salt while in the hot shower.

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