Recently, Dr Phil aired an episode about an interable couple. He showed the audience some clips of how they go about their day to day lives. Although they had many problems, Dr Phil made it seem as though all their problems culminated from his disability.
Dr Phil opened the show by stating that he had taken a poll earlier on social media. He asked his followers to answer whether they’d date some with a disability. 58% said they would. Then he asked them how many would date that person knowing they needed 24/7 caregiving. 28% said they would.
His finishing line was that 100 out of 100 interable couples don’t work out if there is caregiving involved. A partner can only either be a caregiver or a lover. Not both.
What do you think about some of the things Dr Phil said? Did you find that his focus was misplaced and should have been put towards helping the couple in other ways? Are you in an interable relationship? Have you taken to social media and joined the #100outof100 hashtag to show Dr Phil that interable relationships do work?
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