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  • Ralph Yaniz

    March 11, 2019 at 7:58 pm

    The question you mention about driving makes me laugh a bit because I’ve had the same question. And I’ve had other types of questions that, depending on the issue, either have made me angry or really have not had an effect on me. The driving question has never angered me and I respond clearly with why I can still able to drive as safely and as well as I always have. But I will tell you this, the one thing that really is a pet peeve for me is when you meet someone and you tell them  your diagnosis, or what you have, or your symptoms, and this person, and keep in mind this is a lay person with no medical training and no knowledge about your illness who proceeds to tell you that “ if you just go to such and such country that there is a person there who is curing people. Or that if you just start taking amino acids you’ll feel better. These responses are frustrating!

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