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  • MDA Telethon Hosted By Kevin Hart

    Posted by Danielle "Dani" Liptak on September 10, 2020 at 7:11 am

    If you haven’t heard the news, comedian and actor Kevin Hart will be hosting the MDA Telethon that was once hosted by Jerry Lewis.

    The Muscular Dystrophy Association telethon is coming back after a five-year hiatus, and Kevin Hart will host the MDA Kevin Hart Kids Telethon during a two-hour special at 8 p.m. Oct. 24, 2020.  The virtual telethon will benefit MDA and Hart’s Help From the Hart Charity. He will be joined by celebrities, including Jack Black, Usain Bolt, Josh Gad, Michael B. Jordan, Eva Longoria, and Jillian Mercado.

    There has already been a lot of discussion among the MD community on social media about this event. Many are upset that it is geared towards children with MD and not adults. Some do not like Kevin Hart and his previous controversial history, which he has apologized several times for already.

    Are you excited about this? Do you think it is an excellent opportunity for muscular dystrophy to gain more awareness and funds? Please share your thoughts!

    Leah Leilani replied 4 years, 4 months ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Glendalee Deruiter

    September 23, 2020 at 1:09 pm

    I am very excited to see the telethon again. I’m a huge supporter here in the Pacific Ocean. We got not much to give being that we are hit by this pandemic ontop of being economically challenged at an everyday life. Trying to live and support our kids and ourselves to being able to make ends meet is a very hard lifestyle here in the state of Hawaii. We no longer have any muscular dystrophy organization but the regular neurologist in our main hospitals. Which I know of just 2 hospitals . I had to move from my home the island oh Kauai to the city of our islands also the main and only island close to offering help and security for the sick an disabled people of Hawaii. Called Oahu, Honolulu. Or most of you know it as Waikiki.  We have no idea where to turn to those of rare diseases like mines. LGMD. Diagnosed with this for 18 years never been to anything mda related. Our programs an offices was closed due to financial and economic issues. June of 2019. I’ve tried to reach out an get some funds throughout this time in helping of fundraising or walkathons. But our disease isn’t as popular as pancreatic or breast cancer. Etc. I wasn’t abled to even be given straight up answers about my disease an what was it or caused it took them years an 3 harsh an painful biopsy’s until finally in 2005 they finally performed the last biopsy and put the results and researches together then did I have a solid  Diagnosis under my belt to begin whatever falls through my state given medical. Which here in Hawaii is corrupted to where I taught for my care. I appealed and grievances my legal rights and the rightful care for me. I’m still doing it as we speak. Not until recent did I find out thanks to google searching and Facebook social media’s did I find my way. Now an it’s only been months I have a bigger text book in my head and I’m requesting referrals through my neurologist or pcps prints of websites an information to hand them and helping them help me. For 12 years I’ve always wanted to help others with any care or Information they needed due to my past experiences. I don’t wish it on anyone especially my fellow people with muscular dystrophy’s. In the state and around the world. But I’m not financially fit to dish out cash being to ask apply for assistance regardless what it is here is hard. I been applying for years an haven’t got help with any housing issues. HUD or section 8 we like to call it here. Because I’m not a Hàwaiian blooded but just a local born and raised doesn’t give me anymore then those in the streets living day to day with what they got. That’s who I am just with a family whom knows to hustle regardless what our situation is to have food an a roof over our heads.
    Not having a support group or mda here leaves us alone for our self. But that never stopped me. I’m still smiling and out to help others with any sort of medical disability and is given the same hand as I do. Some are worse. I pray for those. I’m a very addicted now finding social media and would love to share some of my God given abilities such as singing and voicing out to others nonstop I’m sharing things from all muscular dystrophy related a lot. Everyday so far I’ve given a song or two to everyone due to our Muscular dystrophy awareness month. I’m going to have a feed on my very 1st day of celebrating LGMD day on the 30th and have shared numerous things on an tagged due to our Muscular dystrophy awareness month. As well as our telethon that we been graced with next month.
    Do find me on Twitter on Instagram and mainly Facebook. Glee DeRuiter or search can find if you can search  Glendalee DeRuiter aka Gleelaureta (glee). I’ve got many songs recorded and shared for our rare diseases. Hope everyone will have the time to look at my profiles. I’d love to share on here but I don’t know how to upload pictures or videos songs on here. So I’m inviting you all to find them on Fb. It is sung to you all my fellow MD fighters. Also their loved ones. Until next time see u on the web.

  • Glendalee Deruiter

    September 23, 2020 at 1:13 pm

    I forgot to add I’m a 200% supporter for our children with MD. I’d rather fight for our children because I believe they hold our future. Gods grace always. His will be done and not being selfish but just think of what good things are then the bad. They live the same life as we do or did. We lost others along the way to our disease. Let’s stop the trend and fight if not for us then for the kids . Our kids !!!! We are in this together.

  • Danielle "Dani" Liptak

    September 23, 2020 at 1:19 pm

    Thank you so much for sharing your struggles and your strength! I hope someday maybe you can form your own MD support group where you live. It is important to have that connection.  I think it is wonderful that you use social media to stay connected and to share your musical passion!

  • Leah Leilani

    September 23, 2020 at 3:47 pm

    Glendalee, although I’ve never visited Hawaii and don’t know much about their available medical care, I do have Hawaiian blood and have many relatives in Hawaii. I can only imagine the lack of resources available but I commend you for not giving up and continuing to advocate for yourself. That is how the best things come to fruition, by arming yourself with knowledge and the will to help others.

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