
Rediscovering My Faith After Losing My Brother to Duchenne MD

On Dec. 4, I performed British singer-songwriter Calum Scott’s 2017 pop ballad “You Are the Reason” at a live caroling session with ART:DIS, the first organization in Singapore to pioneer the artistic development of members of the disabled community. The performance was part of the annual Enabling Lives…

I’m Wondering if Advocacy Is Always Worth It

Before three of my sons were diagnosed with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), I didn’t know what I didn’t know. After that, my learning curve went straight up. I still needed to learn the amount of advocacy work it takes to be a parent to a child (or…

Why I’m a Good Mom to Children With a Rare Disease

I do my best to try in life, but I’m not perfect by any means. That’s me. I hope that is how I come across in this column. However, I never want to make life in a Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) family sound easy, perfect, or Instagram-worthy. Truthfully, if…

The Reasons Why I Share Our Rare Disease Story

Is it necessary to write about my family and three children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD)? I have always felt that it is. However, sometimes, especially on social media, I am questioned and criticized when I share certain challenging aspects of life. “Why does she have to share that?”…

How I Define Love With Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

On Nov. 27, I attended a live performance by ART:DIS musician Sky Shen, an old friend from the Muscular Dystrophy Association (Singapore) (MDAS). The show featured his recent debut EP, “Wheel You Love Me?” — a collection of songs he wrote about his experiences with…

So Long for Now: The Hawk Flies On to New Horizons

It’s hard to believe: This is the 100th column I’ve written for Muscular Dystrophy News Today. It will also be my last for the near future. “Hawk’s-Eye View” has been a part of me for the past three years, as I graduated college, completed a five-month internship at…

How Duchenne Helped My Son Learn Something New

The lights shone brightly, illuminating dancers dressed in red on the stage below. The rest of the theater was dark, save for an iPad glowing toward the back of the auditorium. I sat in the dark hall on a cold Saturday night in the small Nebraska town I call home.