Party of 9 – a Column by Betty Vertin

Finding Hope Through the Seasons of Duchenne MD

The seasons are all special to me and necessary to one another. Each holds its own challenges and wonder. Here in Nebraska, we are fortunate enough to experience all four — winter, spring, summer, and fall. Every time I enter a new season, I think it’s my favorite, but by…

My Heart Is My Most Flexible Muscle

Motherhood was not something I was always sure I wanted. The idea of motherhood scared me. I didn’t think I had what it took. When I think of the word mother, I think of love — and I feared I didn’t have enough to give. That changed the moment I…

How Communication Helps When My Sons Try New Things

New places, new people, new things: They’re exciting! As a parent, I encourage my children to try new things, step outside their comfort zones, and see what the world has to offer. There is no difference in how I parent my children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) and my…

Why Pool Therapy Is Part of Our Care Plan

I write my columns on Tuesdays. I do this because I procrastinate. My deadline is Wednesday morning, and I’m not about to wake up early on Wednesdays to get it done. I am not a morning person, but I’m too old and have too many kids to stay up late…

Helping My Little Ones Understand DMD

I’m late to pick up the kids from school a lot now. I haven’t always been this way, though. Last year, I’d arrive 10 minutes early every day and use it for some quiet prayer time. But since having a baby earlier this year, I arrive late to school…

How Theater Has Helped My Son Navigate Friendships

My family has been on the Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) journey for almost 12 years. During that time, I’ve quietly watched how friendships and making friends have changed for each of my three sons with DMD as they have grown. I’ve traveled farthest down this road with my oldest…