Tagged: cane, daily activities, living with MD, medical device, mobility equipment, Occupational Therapy
Car Cane
Posted by Danielle "Dani" Liptak on May 24, 2021 at 5:08 pmToday my occupational therapist suggested I get a cane specifically for my car to help me pump gas alone. Usually, I hold on to the side of my car and try and squeeze my core, so I don’t lose balance and fall. She also gave me a small handle attachment that you can put on your door to give you more stability when getting in and out.
Do you have a device that helps you do daily activities? Where do you keep it, what prompted you to use it?
Danielle "Dani" Liptak replied 2 years, 1 month ago 6 Members · 11 Replies -
11 Replies
I have the thing that you hook to car door to help get out of car.  Best thing I ever bought.  If going in someone else’s car I just take it with me
That’s so interesting. I’ve never heard of such a device. I should recommend this to my mom who is unstable on her feet when she’s weak. She uses a crutch to stabilize herself when she doesn’t have to walk too far.
I use a cane seat. When you walk it is a regular cane, but when you want to sit you kick out the two other legs and a small seat comes out. I perch on it when I need to be out on my feet for a bit, (like when I pump gas.) It’s not something I could comfortably sit on for more than 10 minutes or so, but covers the short walks. I have one at home and one that travels in my car. They cost less than $50 at mobility stores.
Hi, Pete, just checking in to see how you are doing. How were the holidays?
Costco gas attendants will pump your gas once you display your handicap placard. Give them a couple of horn honks, to get their attention. They are extremely helpful and courteous.
That’s a great resource! I never knew this! Thank you for sharing.
Hi, Jerry! How are life and the new year treating you?
Hi all, I a new in this community, I have suffering from LDMD for 30years.
Please Joy can you show me a picture of the hook?
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