Forum Replies Created

  • Jennifer Massey

    July 3, 2019 at 8:27 am in reply to: Calling the Police on Illegal Handicap Space Parking

    No, I haven’t. When I had the handicapped placard only I had several instances of people questioning me about it. One time in a gas station parking lot an elderly gentleman yelled at me and my husband saying I was not handicapped. I still ambulate okay, but the less walking I have to do makes my life considerably easier. When I renewed my license plates last time I got the plates. No one has questioned me since then but I do get funny looks sometimes. The plates hold more credibility for people. For me personally I would not call the police for someone parking illegally. I don’t think it’s my place since so many disabilities are invisible on the outside. I know someone who really needs them and because her doctor’s office charges to do the paperwork she is unable to afford them. Sometimes she has to park in the handicapped spots anyway, without the placard or plates. I never know someone’s story. I have more important things to do with my time then to police who parks where! Ha!

  • Jennifer Massey

    June 18, 2019 at 5:30 pm in reply to: Living in a house with stairs

    My husband and I just moved to a new home. We were intentional about finding a one story home with no stairs! It would be a major challenge to have stairs in my house. Stairs in the outside world are hard enough!!

  • Jennifer Massey

    June 18, 2019 at 5:28 pm in reply to: Can you have and do you want children?

    This is a complicated question for sure!

    I had a huge fear of passing DMD onto my future children. I could not imagine bringing a child into this world when I knew they had a chance of inheriting the illness. Also, Duchenne has weakened my heart to a point where carrying a child would have created a serious medical decline for me. For these reasons (and also due to endometriosis) I opted to have a hysterectomy about 5 years ago. It was NOT an easy decision and one I wrestled with for a decade before making a final decision. Also, I have a wonderful husband who has supported me through the process.

    Adoption is a possibility for us, but I also worry about being healthy enough to take care of a child or children. My weakness may make it hard to do the things other healthy mothers can do. Can I be a parent and manage my illness? Will my husband have to take care of me and a child? Can I keep working? There are many unknows.

    I sometimes can’t imagine living my life without experiencing motherhood and other days it feels impossible!