
Making Friends, Having Friends With Duchenne MD

On a Facebook page that documents our family’s journey with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, I recently posted about how invitations to birthday parties and friends’ houses are not typical for my three boys with Duchenne, especially with them using chairs full time. However, the post celebrated the fact that my…

I Carry Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Which Was Hard to Accept

I think all moms need strong shoulders and extra arms. We carry purses, diaper bags, backpacks, and discarded jackets. Duchenne moms carry more, including sometimes our kids and their equipment, although I’ll admit that power wheelchairs are great for carrying bags without tipping over, unlike manual chairs and strollers.

What I’ve Learned From Finding a Caregiver

As my Duchenne muscular dystrophy has progressed, it’s become untenable for me to live on my own without outside help. We’ve begun seeking professional caregiving assistance while my parents are away on vacation or work trips. It’s nothing major — mainly help with cooking, cleaning, getting into and out…

Growing Up With Muscular Dystrophy

Welcome back to “Hidden Truths.” Over the past two weeks, I’ve had several meaningful discussions about what it means to have a neuromuscular disorder. Accordingly, this week I wanted to get a bit more personal and answer a question brought up by a friend: “How did it feel growing…

Preparing to Be Caregivers for Adults With Duchenne MD

Three of my boys were diagnosed with Duchenne muscular dystrophy when they were small. We’ve spent many years preparing to be caregivers for them as adults with Duchenne. We remodeled our home, added ramps to the front and back of our house, and upgraded to a wheelchair-accessible van. The…

Why I Love the Ordinary Moments of Motherhood

I love the everyday, ordinary moments of motherhood. Maybe I’m crazy, but the laundry (no matter how never-ending), groceries, menu planning, and chauffeuring of kids all bring me so much joy! Duchenne muscular dystrophy can be a thief of that joy. Duchenne is hard to plan for, and because…

Baby Emelia Brings a ‘New Normal’ to Our Family

In August, my 2-year-old son, Alfie, became a big brother. While bringing a new baby into the world is an important life event for any family, when you are already raising a child with LAMA2-related muscular dystrophy, there can be even more to contend with. For about six…

Some Life Lessons to Remember as I Start a New Chapter

Welcome back to “Hidden Truths,” a column where I seek to describe and express my feelings about my diagnosis of limb-girdle muscular dystrophy. This week, I originally wanted to continue the discussion about questioning everything about my diagnosis and care management, which I discussed last week. However, because…