
It’s Time to Spread Some Holiday Cheer

Christmas is upon us, and for many, it might not even feel like the holiday season at all. We’ve been forced to stay away from family, our finances are tight, and uncertainty lingers about how 2021 will unfold. For me, being cooped up…

Give Yourself Some Peace of Mind This Holiday Season

This year has been full of seemingly insurmountable struggles for everyone. As we resolved one hardship, another seemed to suddenly appear, creating an endless cycle that rocked our mental stability. I include myself in this. So, it’s no wonder why most of us are eager to end this…

How to Avoid a Fall

Having Duchenne muscular dystrophy is scary for a number of reasons. High up on that list is experiencing a fall. That’s especially true for those who have been on steroids for many years. Our bones aren’t as strong because of it. For those of us in a transition…

How I’m Getting Out of My 2020 Funk

If 2020 hasn’t been a challenging year for you, that’s great news. But for me, like many others, this year has been a lesson in overcoming adversity, whether it’s due to sheltering in place from COVID-19, losing a job, or facing a mental…

The 4 Categories of Tiredness

Those of us with invisible chronic illnesses master the art of mindfulness for our bodies. Since our symptoms show little signs of existence, we must work hard to translate our body’s hidden language of fatigue. Neglecting this skill could impede receiving the medical help we so desperately need.

What I Learned About Life From My Dog

On Sept. 29, part of my life was lost. My dog, Gus, who had been a staple of the Miller family household for 13 years, left the world. To where, we can only guess, but he left parts of his odd personality with us and gave us memories we will…

Living for Myself While Hoping for the Right Person

I have clear memories of listening to my fourth-grade friends talk about what their “boyfriends” got them for Valentine’s Day, or whispering between one another during class about who liked whom. My hope of one day having a stereotypical teenage romance carried into high school, but dwindled as…