
Finding a Job That’s a Good Fit for You and Your Health

I realize that having a full-time job as well as Duchenne muscular dystrophy can be challenging. Balancing my time between self-care, including stretching and doctor’s appointments, and work can be physically and emotionally draining. That’s why you must find a job that is a good fit for your situation.

Finding Relief for My Dry, Flaky Winter Skin

A recent cold front has swept through the U.S. As the snow and rain arrive, they bring problems for my skin. The epidermis, the outermost layer, becomes dry, cracked, and irritated. If like me you experience issues with your skin in the winter months, I’d like to share my go-to…

My Adventure in a Wheelchair

Many of you who follow my column know that I focus on how those of us with a disability stay strong mentally and physically. I have also written about advocating for ourselves as patients and effecting positive change in society. I will turn 61 next month. I began…

Improving My Digestion with Enzyme Supplements

It’s over a month since my gallbladder surgery, and I couldn’t be happier with my healing process. I previously wrote about adjusting to life after gallbladder removal and mentioned using supplements to regulate my digestive system. In this column, I share a review of my experience with those supplements.

Let’s Stay on the Cutting Edge of Research

I can’t believe it’s been 13 years since I started exhibiting muscle loss. A lot has happened since then. My loss is slow but steady. Even when I plateau, I look back and realize that I’ve weakened over time. But if my column has one overarching theme, it’s that we…

Attack of the Bloodthirsty Mosquitoes

Fall and winter have always been my favorite seasons. I eagerly await the cooler weather by prematurely washing my sweaters and drinking warm beverages. This year, I’m particularly excited for the changing of seasons because of some maddening mosquitoes. This summer, a non-native mosquito species terrorized me and other…

Goals Can Simplify Our Complicated Lives

It can sometimes feel like everything is against us when doctor appointments and physical barriers bombard us. If we focus on the day-to-day challenges, we forget what we’re doing on earth. I recently discovered that practical goal setting helps you accomplish more than you ever thought possible. The mere act…

Prioritizing Goals in Life with MD

I have spent my entire career working and volunteering in the nonprofit arena. My focus has moved from mental health to aging to disabilities. I learned from each step and took that knowledge into the next phase of my life. There were always things I could use in the future.