
My Asthma Flare Inspired Me to Buy a Vogmask

For most of my life, I’ve suffered from viral-induced asthma. While coughing and wheezing are often a constant with standard asthma, viral-induced asthma is triggered by infections such as the common cold or the flu. My first asthma memory was during my first-grade year. I missed a month of…

Inaccessible Accessibility: It’s Time to Get Serious

Let’s really get serious about what accessibility is. The website Disabled World calls it the “‘ability to access’ the functionality, and possible benefit, of some system or entity.” In short, the more people who can use the product, service, or venue, the more accessible it is. This is a…

My Disability Does Not Mean I Am Broken

Let me make it clear that I am not opposed to questions about my disease and why I use a wheelchair. In fact, I encourage them. I mean, we might as well talk about the elephant in the room, right?  By this point in my life, I’m basically an…

An Open Letter to Duchenne Parents

Whether your child has been living with Duchenne muscular dystrophy for years or was just diagnosed, I’m here to remind you that it isn’t the end of the world. It’s just the beginning, and there’s more hope than ever.  You have…

Learn to Rejuvenate to Really Thrive

Some of my recent columns have been exhausting to write. This is because many of the experiences I have discussed have been difficult to actually live through. We live in a society that frustrates us. Living with muscular dystrophy is never easy, and creative living is necessary. Learning how…

Don’t Let Duchenne Stop You from Having Fun

Being reliant on a wheelchair is not always easy, but there’s no reason to let wheels stop you from getting out and having a good time. Modern technology and increased accessibility have opened doors. Museums, movies, and walks through the park are just a sampling of activities available…

Advocacy, MD, and Dealing with the US Healthcare System

I have limb-girdle muscular dystrophy type 2L (LGMD2L). My previous column, “I Live Creatively to Power Past Obstacles,” discussed how I live with my limitations. For me, the biggest challenge is navigating the world outside my home. But dealing with our disjointed healthcare system is also an issue.