
Uniting to Effect Positive Change

I promised you that Sammy would be back. He came to this column on April 18 (see: “True Accessibility for All: No Roadblocks, Please“), and because he is my alter ego, I figured we’d be talking again at some point. The last time Sammy caught up with me, I…

The Secret to Finding the Right Friends

Having Duchenne muscular dystrophy is hard because of its progressive nature. I can no longer participate in activities the way I have in the past. As the disease advances, it is important for me to select friends carefully. Not everyone sees past the wheelchair and my weakness…

Choosing the Right Dog Breed for My MD Lifestyle

Prior to my diagnosis, my family spent much more time traveling than we do now. Even though I’ve never traveled outside California, I still have memories of long, scenic car rides across the state to our vacation destination. I miss those winter days spent in a snow-covered cabin in the…