PPMD Names UC Davis Neuromuscular Research Unit a ‘Certified Duchenne Care Center’

Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy (PPMD), a nonprofit group dedicated to ending Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), has named the Neuromuscular Research Center at the University of California Davis Department of Pysical Medicine and Rehabilitation a certified Duchenne care center.
PPMD’s Certified Duchenne Care Center Program, which began in 2014, supports standardized, comprehensive care and services for boys with DMD. The UC Davis clinic is the 15th to be certified. Patients there receive coordinated, multidisciplinary care to diagnose and treat DMD and other pediatric neuromuscular disorders.
The Hackensack, N.J.-based PPMD launched the program as part of its comprehensive Transforming Duchenne Care Initiative (TDCI) to ensure that centers maintain the highest standards in clinical and subspecialty patient services, apply new evidence-based knowledge, minimize heterogeneity in clinical outcomes and successfully comply with CDC Care Considerations.
The UC Davis clinic participates in many vital research activities aimed at improving the lives of those with neuromuscular diseases. Led by Craig McDonald, MD, and associate research director, Erik Henricson, MPH, the university’s research program focuses on studying the causes of DMD and other neuromuscular diseases, as well as their secondary and associated conditions. The program also aims to improve preventative care and encourage the development of novel and breakthrough therapies and technologies for neuromuscular diseases.
“We are honored for UC Davis to receive designation as a PPMD Certified Duchenne Care Center,” Craig McDonald, professor and chair of physical medicine and rehabilitation at UC Davis said in a news release. “It speaks to the quality of care we provide in all disciplines, including neuromuscular disease, rehabilitation, pulmonary medicine, cardiology, orthopedic surgery and many others. Our Neuromuscular Disease Research program is internationally recognized and our contributions to clinical endpoint development and the translation of recent discoveries in precision-genetic therapeutics into clinical trials for patients are particularly noteworthy.”
Kathi Kinnett, PPMD’s senior vice-president of clinical care and co-director of TDCI, said UC Davis has historically been “widely acclaimed” for its extraordinary neuromuscular research programs.
“PPMD is thrilled to now recognize their provision of care and services, and include them in our growing network of Certified Duchenne Care Centers, providing access to optimal comprehensive Duchenne care to our northern California families,” Kinnett said. “We will continue to certify more centers across the country throughout 2017, recognizing teams of physicians for their leadership in Duchenne care, which in turn will enable families to make the best choice for the care of their child.”
Duchenne muscular dystrophy is the most common fatal genetic disorder diagnosed in childhood, affecting about one in every 3,500 live male births.