
How I’m Living on My Own With Duchenne

When I went off to school at the University of Southern California (USC), it was the first time, like many other 18-year-olds, that I would be living away from home. It was an especially huge change for me because of my Duchenne muscular dystrophy and my reliance on my…

Helping My Little Ones Understand DMD

I’m late to pick up the kids from school a lot now. I haven’t always been this way, though. Last year, I’d arrive 10 minutes early every day and use it for some quiet prayer time. But since having a baby earlier this year, I arrive late to school…

How Theater Has Helped My Son Navigate Friendships

My family has been on the Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) journey for almost 12 years. During that time, I’ve quietly watched how friendships and making friends have changed for each of my three sons with DMD as they have grown. I’ve traveled farthest down this road with my oldest…

I Can Still Fight Without Throwing Punches

When we think about fighting, we might imagine the Ultimate Fighting Championship ring, where men and women beat each other up in front of millions of fans. Or we might see soldiers firing machine guns, or Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker trading blows with lightsabers. Our minds probably…

A Love Letter to the Cough Assist Machine

This column is my love letter to the cough assist machine. I love the assistive device and what it does for my three sons, Max, Rowen, and Charlie, who live with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). Twelve years ago, I had no idea what the heck a cough assist machine…