
The Power of a Duchenne Smile

We can all smile, but there’s one type of smile that shows genuine positive emotion and is nearly impossible to fake. The zygomaticus major muscle in the cheek pulls the lips upward while the orbicularis oculi around the eye activate, wrinkling the outside corners of the eyes. It’s true happiness…

The Waiting Game Can Be Tough to Play

My family has had a hectic week. It started out lovely; the entire family, all nine of us, spent a beautiful, springlike day together at the zoo. By Sunday evening, however, we had kids with fevers, coughs, and runny noses. At last count, four of us have come down with…

Duchenne MD Helps Me Develop Close Relationships

Living with Duchenne muscular dystrophy has plenty of downsides, such as having to use a wheelchair and a BiPAP machine, dealing with fatigue, and wearing night splints, among other things. But if you’ve read my column for a while, you’ll know I like to look on the positive…

Who Are the Rarest of the Rare?

The adjective “rare” refers to an event, situation, or condition not occurring very often, not found in large numbers, and consequently of interest. For example, Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a rare disease affecting approximately 1 in 3,500 male births worldwide. Years ago, on one of the first…

Learning to Balance Caregiving and a New Baby

Living with a rare disease like Duchenne muscular dystrophy is more than doctors’ appointments, medicines, and wheelchairs. It affects every aspect of my family’s life. When I started writing this column, I was afraid I’d have trouble finding something to write about every week, but was encouraged to write about…

I’m Gifted Because of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

No matter who you are, life will throw you seemingly impossible challenges. It will make you question everything. If you believe in God like me, I’m sure you have asked, “Why are you letting this happen to me?” In reading a Christian book titled “Faith That Engages the Culture,”…

My Sons’ Birthdays Stir Up My Emotions

January is birthday month at our house. We have four birthdays in January. That’s almost half of our family celebrating their arrivals on the planet in the same month. Our newest addition, our 3-week-old daughter Callie, was born on Jan. 9, joining Rowen, who turned 13 on Jan. 21; Charlie,…

Duchenne Gave Us a License to Live Our Own Way

My family stands out. I’ve shared that with you before. The sheer number of children is enough to make us different. But three boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), often seen in their wheelchairs, make us even more for the eye to take in. Standing out was hard…

My Parents Have Helped Me Overcome Duchenne MD

A 7-mile hike with a 1,000-foot elevation gain was on the schedule for our second day of camping at Point Mugu State Park near Malibu, California. I was with our small Boy Scout Troop 911, which operated out of my elementary school in Huntington Beach. It was a…