
PPMD Announces First Adult Certified Duchenne Care Center

Expanding certification of clinics that provide optimal Duchenne muscular dystrophy care, Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy (PPMD) has announced its first Adult Certified Duchenne Care Center. An extension of the nonprofit’s five-year-old, 26-member Certified Duchenne Care Center Program (CDCCP), the neuromuscular clinic at University of Missouri Health…

NORD 2019 Rare Disease Summit Set for Oct. 21-22 in Washington, DC

Next month’s annual conference of the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) in Washington, D.C., couldn’t come at a better time, says Marshall Summar, MD, chairman of NORD’s board of directors. “The pace of discovery in rare diseases has gone from brisk to hypersonic,” Summar told Bionews Services, publisher…